Thursday, December 31, 2020

Write Down What God Says- Part 2 Introduction

We will begin January 3 online. 

As we journey through this book, we are going to spend time to find out what God may be saying to us personally.

God has touched my life with these words, and I share them with you so He can do the same in your life. He loves to commune with His children. Here you will learn more about God and what He wants you to know to help you in your everyday walk and to help your family. We have experienced in 2020 a difficult time and we need God's help in our everyday lives. He is waiting for us to ask Him to come in and help. 

To help you explore what God may be saying to you, pick out three words that catch your eye as you read the scripture on each session (or phrases) In the book, on the back of each prayer page, you will have a place to list the three words. If you don't have a book, then you can post those three words or phrases on your writing pad.. 




It helped me to put what I felt those words meant. Then, in the space below the list, write what you feel God is saying to you as you sit quietly and listen.

On each page I will suggest words, but feel free to list the words that catch your eyes and write them down and what they mean to you. God speaks to each one of us where we are with Him.

You may also want to write a prayer to include what God is showing you using His words.

At the end of each session, I suggest you spend time that week, reading over the verse, and looking at the words you wrote and their meanings. It will also help to write a note to God, telling Him what you need. Be specific.

If you have questions, please put it in the comment on the blog, or email me direct at

I hope this will be a journey that brings you closer in your relationship to God giving you revelation knowledge of His words.

Begins January 3.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

God's Prayer Power~Introduction Part 1


This book, God's Prayer Power, provides us with His word and with prayers.

Through the years, God has been with me in good times and in bad times. Sometimes I realized He was there, and sometimes I didn't. But none the less He was there. In Isaiah 41:10 it says, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

Each scripture in this book, represents one He showed me during a time I needed it. Along with the scripture, I wrote a prayer to go with it. However, the prayers are words He gave me to write.

We all go through things in our lives that can leave us devastated and feeling powerless. 

I want to share with you what God shared with me. He led me to scriptures that gave me answers I needed and ways to pray about them. The most important thing He showed me through all was to pray and speak His words. His words have the power. He spoke words and created the world. That is power.

In Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) the Bible says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

God’s word is alive and filled with His power. When we are praying for children, spouses, parents, and friends we are asking God to move in what is going on in their lives. Some of these situations may be urgent. We do not need flowery prayers going up to God. We need serious words that will cut through these circumstances. We need His words. We need His power released into these areas. When we speak and pray the Scriptures, we are coming into agreement with God. His word does not return to Him it is released and answers our prayers. “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (KJV) We can pray His words over everything we encounter and need His help. Many times, we do not know what to pray. But praying the word of God pierces into the situations. His words are quick, and powerful. The enemy cannot prevail against His words.

 We will be using scriptures in this book to seek His will and for Him to lead us and give us revelation knowledge of what He is saying to us.

This will be online so you can work at your pace. 

Grab your Bible and join me on this journey with the Lord where you can read and come to know Him in a deeper relationship.. There is also a website called Bible Gateway where you can look up scriptures.

It also might help you to have a pen and pad so you can take notes as the Lord lays on your heart His words for you specifically.

Feel free to post questions and comments as we go along. If you are interested in joining us you may email me at

May God lead us in this study to be pleasing unto Him and be a beacon of light for others.