Sunday, January 3, 2021

God Is Our Rock and Fortress

God's Prayer Power . . . Psalm 31:3 says, "For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me"(KJV)

These words caught my eye:

1. Lead . . .meaning to show the way to a place by going in front or in advance. 

                   Think of taking a child by the hand and leading them.

2. Guide. . .meaning one who shows the way by directing and advising.

                   Remember the Israelites were guided by a pillar of cloud by day and by a  pillar of fire at night.

3. Fortress. . .impregnable stronghold, a place that is secure,, a refuge. 

However,I was also drawn to the word rock. In biblical days rock signified strength, steadiness, and durability. The prophets used the word rock to apply to God. 

For God is my rock would read God is my strength (power, force), He is steady (firm, constant) and durable (lasting).

Imagine, the God we serve, our God, He is our strength and our power and force; He is firm and constant, never wavering, He is ever lasting.

When you look at the meaning of the words the verse opens a deeper understanding for us as to the power of God.  

Many times we do not realize the power of God . . .we know from the Bible that God is all powerful, that He is Almighty God. But I wonder if we understand the depths of that power. A pastor friend of mine said, "You have to grasp it in terms of the kind of power that raised Jesus from the dead."

God is all-powerful and omnipotent That same resurrection power stands behind you and me today because we are a child of God.

When I visited Niagara Falls last year I watched as the water was rushing to the ground below, hitting it with a tremendous force and it dawned on me that was how God channels his power towards those who believe. With a tremendous force.

In Ephesians 1:19 it says, "I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe him."(TLB)

The verse in Psalm 31:3 then is telling us, "I am your power and force, I am firm, constant, lasting and I will not waver. I am your fortress, your impregnable stronghold, a place that is secure, protected, and safe. Therefore for my name's sake, and I have a great name (see1 Samuel 12:22 ), I will take you by the hand and lead you and guide you day and night as I did the Israelites.

When we see Psalm 31:3 written with the understanding of these words it takes us to a deeper level with God.

Spending time on this verse, allows the words to sink into our very being and helps put the words into us so they will flow out of us.

You know God did not say we would not have problems or troubles, but to know that our God is out power and force, our safe place where He protects us and because of His name's sake He will lead and guide us through the challenges of life.

He wants us to know He is the I AM. The Allmighy God. When we read His words let us think on them and allow the Holy Spirit to give us a revelation knowledge that deepens our understanding and relationship with our God.


Oh God, let our personal identity, hope and values be found in You, and in You alone.Do not let our circumstances blind us.Let us remember to put our trust in You. For You are our rock and our fortress, for thou name’s sake lead us and guide us through the days ahead. Amen


This week reread the verse Psalms 31:3

Write down words that speak to your heart and write what they mean to you.

What is God saying to you? Write it down.

Are there areas in your life or your families life you need God's power?

Write a note to God, tell Him what you need, in plain, specific words.

And thank Him for giving it to you. Continue in a heart of expectancy.

The Next Lesson is January 10.