Sunday, March 21, 2021



God's Prayer Power - Session 12

Our scripture today is Psalm 85

Lord, you have been kind to your land. You gave the people of Jacob back their riches.
You forgave the guilt of the people. You covered all their sins. Selah
You stopped all your anger. You stopped your strong anger. God our Savior, bring us back again. Stop being angry with us. Will you be angry with us forever? Will you stay angry from now on?

Won’t you give us life again? Your people would rejoice in you. Lord, show us your love.
Save us. I will listen to God the Lord. He has ordered peace for his people who worship him.
Don’t let them go back to foolishness. God will soon save those who respect him. And his greatness will be seen in our land. Love and truth will belong to God’s people. Goodness and peace will be theirs. On earth people will be loyal to God. And God’s goodness will shine down from heaven. The Lord will give his goodness. And the land will give its crops. Goodness will go before God and prepare the way for him.

So the question is "Will God be Angry with us Forever"? When we sin against God, He is gracious and merciful giving us every opportunity to turn away from our sin and come back to Him and repent. When we do He will totally forgive us.

Isaiah 55:7 says, "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord and He will have mercy on him: and to our God, for He will abundantly

What is God saying?

He is telling us that yes, even though He was angry He forgave the people's guilt. He stopped His anger.

Why did He forgive them?

They repented and returned to Him. He says He will save those who respect Him.

What did God do, when they repented and turned back to Him?

He gave them back their riches; forgave their guilt; covered their sins; stopped all His anger; He ordered peace for His people who worship Him; will save those who respect Him; His greatness would be seen in their land; love and truth would belong to His people; goodness and peace would be theirs.

Look at what God gave His people when they turned back to Him. Perhaps we should search our hearts and bring to him the sins and repent as a people and as a land. Look at what He will give us if we will but do this!

This is also for our country. As you read the scriptures think of our country and all that has gone on that tears down the laws of God. Look at how we have strayed from God. We have allowed laws to be enacted that go against God's laws and when you see what is going on in this country you know why He is angry at us. It is time, for us to repent and come back to Him as a people and as a country if we want the blessings that He offers.

Were there three words that caught your eye in the scriptures above? Write them down, and ask God to reveal to you what He wants you to see.

For me, here are the three words that caught my attention:

These three words are larger than life to me. He forgave me when I repented. He covered my sins - took my place on the cross and gave me life. How can I not love Him and want to follow Him all the days of my life. Look at the benefits His children receive . . .read the scripture, Psalm 85 again. 

Ask God to show you what things in your life you are burdened with and ask Him to forgive you, and then give Him those burdens.

Oh, Lord our God, Father in Heaven, forgive us –– the  people of America –– and show favor on us again.  
Restore our people to a right relationship with You.  
We pray You will set aside Your wrath even though  we deserve it and not be angry with us anymore. 
 Forgive us and come into our hearts again. 
Show us Your unfailing love. Help all people to listen  to You; open our ears that we may hear You. Tear down the walls we have built up separating us from You and come into the center of our hearts. 
Come now and wrap Your arms around us so we will remember  how much You love us. Help us to return to You. 
Come back into the lives of our children and save them, save us, and save our country. 

May God bless you in the coming week. If you are in need of prayer, email

Blessings to you and your family.