We are blessed as God's people. All we have to do is avail ourselves of all He offers us.
How do you know what He offers? You can find that out by reading His words in the Bible. When I am reading I ask God what He wants me to know about this scripture? How does He want me to apply it to my life in everyday matters. He wants to give us the answers to these questions. But we first have to ask the questions, and then listen for the answer. Spending time with Him brings us into fellowship with him. This is where we are having conversations with Him, learning from Him. I think it is worth finding out, don't you?
Do you yearn for the strength you need in life to face your days? Do you want peace and quiet in your life? Would you be surprised to learn God wants you to have the strength you need and to live with peace and quiet in the midst of what goes on around you..
In this book we will explore cleaning out and making room in your heart and mind for the tranquil life of peace that belongs to you. Hope is yours for the taking even when you have struggles and opposition. The secret is removing the things that block your peace such as worry, fear, hate, and unforgiveness. This book will help you free yourself from the blockage. Let peace and calmness flow freely in your life.