Sunday, May 9, 2021


God's Prayer Power ~ Session 19

Our scripture today is: John 14:27

 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid". John 14:27 (TLB)

What is God saying to us?

He is telling us He is leaving with us a gift. Leaving denotes He is going away and so because He is, He is giving us a gift that will be ours to keep.

What is the gift He is leaving with us?  

He is giving us the gift of peace of mind and heart. In other words,  He is giving us a tranquil and calmness that comes from Him. The opposite of what the world gives. Imagine, that your gift, regardless of what goes on in this world, can keep you with a peaceful heart and mind. You see this inner peace that He gives can keep us mentally and spiritually at peace––calmness that flows throughout our inner being.

He tells us that His gift, peace, is not fragile like the worlds. So accept His peace and stay in calmness and peace.

Regardless of what stress there is in the world or what goes on, this peace, if we allow it, if we draw upon it, will keep us peaceful. Because we know that God is in untilmate control, wants our best, gave us His best, His Son, and His Son gave us His peace. What a wonderful present.

What does he tell us not to do?

Do not be troubled or afraid..  John 14:1 says,  “Let not your hearts be troubled. But believe and trust in God”  God does not want us to be stressed and anxiious in our hearts, He wants us to trust and believe in Him.

Read the scripture this week, mediating on what you hear God saying to you. Write the words down what God is saying to you.


 Thank You, God, for giving me Your peace.

Help me to remember not look to the world to find my peace.

Let not my heart be troubled or be afraid.

I will not allow my peace to be disturbed by becoming agitated or fearful. 

Help me be diligent to not allow anyone or  circumstance to intimidate

or unsettle me  causing any doubt in my heart.

I will keep Your peace You have given me.

May God bless you in the coming week. If you are in need of prayer, email

Blessings to you and your family. And Happy "Mother's Day" to all the Mothers. We love you and appreciate you for all you have done.