Scripture today is: 2 Peter 5:7
"Give all your worries to him, because he cares for you." (ICB)
What is God saying?
God wants you to give Him all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, everything that is causing you to not be in peace. And He wants you to give them all to Him now.
Everytime something comes up that tries to make you anxious or worried, just say no. Say, "I refuse to take that upon my self. I cast that now over on God trusting Him to handle it."
It is important to God for His children to trust in Him to help them as they walk this journey. He does not want us to worry but to be in peace.
God wants you to give Him all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, everything that is causing you to not be in peace. And He wants you to give them all to Him now.
Everytime something comes up that tries to make you anxious or worried, just say no. Say, "I refuse to take that upon my self. I cast that now over on God trusting Him to handle it."
It is important to God for His children to trust in Him to help them as they walk this journey. He does not want us to worry but to be in peace.
All good things come from You Lord. I know this deep in my heart. Yet there are times I allow my burdens to become so heavy that the weight is debilitating. I have tried to carry them when I forget Your words. Then You bring to my remembrance Your words that tell me to cast my burdens on You. Put them in Your hands. You will take them and then my load will be light. Thank You for taking these burdens and freeing me to think on You and not them. Amen
Blessings to you and your family.