Sometimes we think we just can't bear another thing, God however seems to know just what and how much we can bear, perhaps the secret is letting God help us bear each trial which keeps our focus on Him not the trial. Hence then we will be able to hear him when he tells us the path to walk.
Cardinal Manning went on to say, "If the trials of many years were gathered into one, they would overwhelm us; therefore, in pity to our little strength He sends first one and then another then removes both and lays the third, heavier perhaps than either; but all is so wisely measured to our strength that the bruised reed is never broken. We do not enough look at our trials in this continuous and successive view. Each one is sent to teach us something, and altogether they have a lesson which is beyond the power of any to teach alone."
Perhaps it would be good to pray and ask. . .Father in heaven, grant us this day the strength for the trials that come, the wisdom to focus on you and the trust to let you help us. Amen
Do you feel like you are facing life alone sometimes? That you can not bear another crisis?Do you wonder where your blessings are? Do you feel like giving up hope? Are you constantly fighting fear? Those answers and more are waiting for you. The Lord has the answers. You may find answers to other questions you have. Let God show you, H does have answers. Your faith will grow strong, and you will have the peace you are missing.