Monday, September 11, 2023

Whatever Storm May Come

 "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long." Deuteronomy 33:12 

There are many storms in life and one of the lessons I think God would like for me to learn is to cast my cares upon Him. To remember that He is in ultimate control and because of that I am not to fear the storms that come my way.

To cast my cares of the rising storm I must trust in Him to protect me and see me through.

When in the midst of a storm I need to keep my focus on Him. I think a prayer for that situation would be:

Lord God, I know not what storms will come today, but I do know You care for me. Help me to remember that You are in control and will work things out for your glory and for my good and with protective hands will see me through.

We all have storms, whether they be physical or emotional storms. There are storms that devastate our lives. A storm can be a job loss, the death of someone you love…spouse, child or friend. Your child could be in trouble, maybe addicted to drugs or alcohol. The storm could be your marriage is crumbling; relationships with loved ones are in jeopardy. Maybe the storm is the diagnosis the doctor gave you.

Storms aren’t just weather related there are also life storms. In these pages, you can find the help you need to come through your storms. You will also learn how to overcome and survive the storms, plus have a life to live after the storms.