Monday, November 13, 2023

What Is The Problem?


That is probably one of the truest statements ever quoted from a person's mouth. Throughout our lives we meet many problems on our journeys. Some are easy to work out and some are devastating.

We as humans try to solve our problems by ourselves, forgetting that we have someone who will help us in whatever the problem or situation may be.

His name is Jesus. He understands problems. He understands devasting situations. He above all, understands all.

So why is it we trudge alone trying to get through these things?

Going to your knees is one of the best ways to hear what He has to say.

That isn't the only way to pray. But it is one of them. I find it also reminds me to be humble and reverent to the Lord. I feel free to tell Him what I need, what is going on, and I feel a sense of Awe knowing He is present, hearing me.
