Jesus said, "If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen." 1 John 4:20 ESV
Our Lord makes it very clear, if we love God but hate our brother, which means anyone, then we lie about loving God.
Makes you think doesn't it? We probably all have been guilty of hating someone at sometime in our lives . . .and if this is so, then we could not possibly have loved God, because God is love.
To hate someone because of the color of his skin, believes different, from a different country, and different ethinicity. . .are we not aware God created all human beings? Do we not know their blood is the same color as ours?
One day, I will stand before God, and I do not want to hear Him ask me, why did I hate. I love God and I try to check myself often to make sure hate does not get into my heart. As a child of God, I need to practice what the Lord God tells me to do to please Him. Maybe if all of us did, then the hate we see being shown on TV would not be there.
This Christmas season, let us remember Christ came to earth as a baby, to grow into a man to live among us and experience what we do. Then gave His life up for us all. That means 'all'. He forgave us of our sins and now when we accept Him as our Savior we have eternal life.
Blessings this Holiday season!