"Great blessings belong to the person who reads the words of this message from God and to those who hear this message and do what is written in it. There is not much time left." Revelation 1:3
Many times I have heard people say, "Well, it is so hard to read." Others say, "I don't understand it." Or "It takes too long."
Let me ask you a question. If your dad wrote you a letter, would you read it?
This is considered God's letters to us, showing us how much He loves us. Giving us important information on how to live our lives and receive His blessings. That alone, is worth reading, don't you think?
You see God blesses those who read His word, listen to His word and obey His word.
I personally want God's blessing in and on my life. There is so much going on in the world today and so many things that can be confusing, that I need to know how to operate in this world.
I need to know that He loves me and is eager to help me on this journey. Knowing He has a plan for my life gives me assurance of who I am and that I am important to Him.
Reading the Bible consistenly has benefits for each one of us. We get to see God's character.and how He is holy, faithful, full of mercy and how much He loves each of us. By reading the Bible you come to know Him as your Father in heaven.
Blessings to you!