Monday, January 1, 2024

A New Year! Who Will Direct Your Path


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.The old has passed away; behold
the new as come." 2 Corinthians 5:17

Restoration! Created new. 

Today, begins a New Year. A new month and a new day. A clean slate. What will we choose to begin? What will we choose to become? 

Those are important questions for us. Many will be making "new" lists for the New Year. Some will even try to follow those lists, for a while. But life gets busy, and many will put the list aside or forget it until the next new year.

For those who belong to Christ, He has made us a new creation. Our old ways He has replaced with new ones. We won't be making a list; we will come to Him requesting He lead and guide us each day so we will be pleasing unto Him. He knows the way on the path He has for us, and if we follow Him we will complete our journey.

May God's Blessings flow over your life this year. Surrender your ways to Him and He will direct your path.

Blessings in 2024