Friday, October 6, 2023

Are Your Burdens Heavy?


You may wonder what a burden is. Well, it is a load, normally a heavy one. Picture getting up in the morning full of brightness and cheer, but as you go through the day, every place you go, something to worry about is being thrown into a bag you carry over your shoulder. By nightfall, it has totally weighed you down and all your strength is gone. You try to get into bed, but that bag of burdens is still on your back, and you cannot get it off to get a good night’s sleep. So, you toss and turn all through the night.

Sound enticing? No. But many of us go through each day with our heavy burdens. We pray and ask God to take them, and we quickly instruct him how we want him to fix each one.

And we wonder why they do not change.

Casting your burdens on Him (cares, concerns, troubles, problems) means we release them into His hands. That means letting go. To let go, we will have to believe that He loves us. He cares about us. We are important to Him. He gave His son to die on the cross for us.

God is our all-powerful creator cares and love us. He does not want us burdened down. He wants us to lean on Him.

Until we get to the point that we trust Him with all we are and all we have and believe He wants us to have His best, we will have problems letting go. But we can start today. He wants us to lean on Him for and in everything. When we trust Him, He will hold us up and not let us be shaken. He will defend us, and He will be with us and see us through. He will fight our battles.

Start by putting your focus on God by taking your focus off the problems. You cannot fix them. He can, but He cannot until you let go.

Praise Be to God for His love and devotion to us.

Prayer: Lord, I surrender my cares and concerns to you tonight. I love you. I trust you. I believe Your Word. Thank you for working all these things out for your glory and for my good and for the good of the people I am praying for. In Jesus name, Amen