Monday, October 16, 2023
Do You Want a Crumb or the Whole Loaf?
God's purposes are greater than ours! We have heard these words many times. But somehow, we forget they are greater because we are immersed in our own thinking, and what we are wanting. This increases the size of our wants and decreases the size of God.
That is why so often in the Bible, it tells us to seek Him first. Find out what His will is. Then, talk to Him about what He says He wants for us. If we have the wrong desire, ask Him to change it. To put His desires in our hearts. Then and only then will we recognize His purposes are greater than ours.
His thoughts are greater than ours. He is the Almighty God. Creator of heaven and earth. There is nothing He cannot do for us. I sometimes relate this to a child asking the parent for a crumb of bread, and the parent who wants to give the child the whole loaf. Which would you rather have?
When we ask Him for something, I feel it is wise for us to talk to Him first. He may have something better in mind for us. I do not want to miss that. Do You?
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